Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Oh my God, please make it stop! Can someone, ANYONE in the Republican party please grow some balls and admit that their man is fucking up and that Spicer is a fucking dumbshit idiot and he needs to be kept as far away from a news camera as possible?? This mutha fucka said Hitler didn't use chemical weapons! Tell that to everyone that he killed in a GAS chamber you fucking ignorant shit!

Come on man!! Is party pride that fucking deep that youre willing to not only completely ruin this country but hell, its looking more and more like we are going to be the next target for annihilation by the whole entire rest of this planet!

Friday, April 7, 2017

I'll apologize first...

... because I'm sure someone out there will be offended and call me a jerk BUT.... with everything that is happening not only in this country but in the world, why are so many people fixated on this fcking giraffe?
I love animals and all but what the fuck? I'm tired of hearing about this shit already.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

I the people,...

I'll preface this with a disclaimer:  These are just my thoughts and opinions. If you agree with them, great. If you don't thats ok too, just don't expect some great debate between us. Keep it friendly or keep your mouth shut and go start your own blog.

Anyone that knows me, knows that i'm far from being a negative person. I'm generally in good spirits, easy going and a positive & optimistic person.
That said, I will start this off by saying that i'm staying true to myself and trying to still be that positive and optimistic person. I DO NOT want this man to fail as POTUS. No he did not get my vote and no he would not get my vote EVER under any circumstance. Fact remains though that he is about to take over this country so for me to hope for him to fail would be just sabotaging my own life.

I've held back from expressing my opinions for a while but i feel like its ok for me to do so. Maybe because the inauguration is right around the corner. Maybe because last night I watched a real president behave like a real president. Maybe because well this is America and I have the freedom to express whatever the fuck i want to express.
I dont have a clearly structured and formatted statement drafted out so i'm just going to vomit out random shit.
I'm tired of hearing people say that everyone opposed to Trump being president is just a sore loser.
I honestly am not. It has nothing to do with (I am a registered Democrat) our candidate losing. I'm not sore about that at all. I'm actually more sore at the American citizens for causing our candidate to lose.
First all those who didn't vote at all. You're the worst kind. First you silence your voice by not voting and then you're going to stand there and try to complain about or protest the results? Shut the fuck up. You had your chance to speak on election day. The fuck outta here.
Lets back track a little here actually. All you fuckturds who voted for Hillary as the nominee and then had no confidence in her as the candidate, you know where you can go.

Moving on to the independents. Listen, i understand that neither Trump nor Hillary were ideal or even just good candidates but you had to know that one of them was going to take this election. The independent candidate had no chance whatsoever. SO using your common sense and realizing which person you absolutely would not want in the White House, why wouldn't you do the sensible thing and vote for the other?

And then we have the republicans. First I'll commend you for coming out in full force, that part is admirable. Second ill say that I dont hate you because of your views, your way of thinking, or your beliefs. When it comes to agendas, I think that we think more alike than anyone really cares to admit. We all want the government to operate decisively and justly. We want America to stand strong, to lead the way in business, government, education. It has nothing to do with any of those things or any other number of debatable topics, directions, views, agendas, policies etc.
No, it only has to do with the fact that you are all sooooo attached to the republican tit that you're not willing to admit that you're putting a completely unfit, immature, ignorant, classless, embarrassing  excuse for a decent person in the position to control all our lives for the next 4 years.
Why doesnt that scare any of you? You HAVE to see the joke of a man and the joke of a leader this man is! Or are you truly so blinded by political party loyalty that you are willing to fuck up this country merely to prove a point? Are you so fucking desperate to get the black man out of the White House that you'll send up the fucking court jester because he's white and he's republican?
You really think this man is going to make things better for YOU? We'll be lucky to still be America by the time he is done.
Mr. Trump has said some things that need to be said. Ill give him that. I agree that the American government is fucked up from the feds down to the small town councils. There absolutely needs to be change. But then he goes on Twitter and calls Meryl Streep overrated because she called him out for behaving inappropriately. She didn't say anything that wasn't true! How old are you man? This is not junior high! Have some fucking dignity, some maturity, some tact! So when some ISIS person gets on TV calling him a weak leader is he going to tweet and call him a cowardly camel kisser or something stupid and childish like that? WTF? ACT LIKE A MAN! ACT LIKE A PRESIDENT!
Every single day for the next 4 years someone is going to say something negative about you. Deal with it! Take the punch, shake it off and get ready for the next one. Be a fucking man.
Finally, i'll finish like i started. I'm not wishing for this man to fail because his failure is mine too, all of ours. I'll keep wishing that he proves me wrong, that he will prove this country wrong.
He is not and never will be MY president but he is OUR next president.
Let that sink in and then figure out if you'd rather see him fail or succeed.
Told you I'd be all over the place.

You've been Bitten

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Flag removals and really??!! The General Lee!??

Wow this Confederate flag thing all of a sudden is moving really fast. South Carolina takes down its flag. Retail corporations ban the manufacturing and sale of it. Even Warner Bros. now says the Dukes of Hazzard car, General Lee will not feature the flag anymore!
(General Lee is not the General Lee without the flag but i'll leave that argument for another day)
So in the words of Mr. Joker "What happened? Did your balls drop off?"
All these years of picking up your shotgun and standing on the soapbox yelling how its a symbol of southern pride and whatever. Pride in what? Pride in rebelling against your country and government and then fighting and killing your own countrymen?
I veer off of my point.
That point being why after all these years everyone suddenly has realized that you shouldn't be flying the flag that although it wasn't the official Confederate States flag, it did represent a division of the southern army during their attempt to fight their own government over an obviously uncivilized practice.
But lets take this further. Lets take this in the direction of who the fuck gives a shit about some fucking flag some southerners fly? This flag comes up as a part of the racism conversation but does a flag make you a racist? Does not flying it automatically mean you're not? Do you think that only white southerners that fly this flag are racist in this country?
And what about the idea that on the heels of so much controversy and injustice involving the African American community, the removal of this in fact insignificant flag is a completely empty victory in the battle against the true enemy...... racism.
People seem to be eating this shit up not realizing that its only a consolation prize. An appeasement. A peace pipe filled with all the good, sweet, apologetic bull shit you want to hear that will convince you to stop protesting, and arguing and fussing and fighting and so on.
You give a crying baby a pacifier to shut him up. This "rebel flag" is the pacifier to all of us who would see racism finally done away with.
Are we really so naive to think that a fucking flag is needed when some ignorant fool begins to teach his kids to hate any one in a darker skin tone than them?
So naive to think that the removal of this flag is going to stop or even curb racism in the south or any other part of this country?
Or even so naive to think that we've defeated this big symbol and supporter of oppression and racism? Flags don't support racism. Racism supports racism. Racist people support racism. And not all of them wave a fucking flag to tell you so.
We need to wake up folks. This flag is NOTHING. It means NOTHING. Thats why everyone is so quick to just give it up now. All we've done is actually create another symbol of hate. Symbols like the swastika flag or a white hood or a burning cross.
Remember that somethings are not truly evil until you label it as such. And now we have. Now the next ignorant, hateful asshole that needs some "symbol" of his pain and suffering and hate will have yet another ready to wear token. This flag is hated and so must be as evil as I am.
Nice job America.

You've been bitten,

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

My name is Rachel and i'm [fill in the blank].

Why doesn't this woman realize that its not even about her identifying with African Americans or as such but its about posing and passing herself off as and lying about who you are?
She claims its more complicated than just answering the question. No stupid, it isn't. Did you lie and tell people you are black? Simple.

I love Bollywood movies and Indian food. And even if I had married an Indian woman and had little Puerto Rican/Indian kids and lived in Bombay that still doesn't fucking make me all of a sudden, Indian!
You fucking lied. And you can say well people misidentified me as mixed or black. That is even worse because you KNEW that people had your race mistaken and you STILL kept it up!
Its fantastic that your boys love their mom no matter what race you are but what are you teaching them about being liars?
This is absolutely not about black and white for me, its about you being a liar.

And to the NAACP and to every and any other company, agency, coalition, organization etc etc down to the fucking local social bridge club that does or may represent a specific race, nationality or interest..... The most qualified person to lead you is the most qualified person to lead you. While it may help in some cases to have one of your own, in some cases it might be a hindrance. Can't fight prejudice with prejudice.

And while im here and have your attention. There's a very important election on the horizon. Please educate yourselves on who you will and will not be giving your votes to and why. Don't take this shit sitting down and don't sit down without taking action.

You've been bitten.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

First one of 2015

I'd like to be able to say holy shit, i just realized i haven't blogged in 2015!  but that's a fucking lie. I know damn well i haven't written shit for a while.
So here I am.
You know the older i get the more understand the cycles of life. Old people aren't really mean as most younger folk would believe. We just don't give a fuck about your young ass ignorant bullshit anymore and refuse to have you waste the precious time we have left with some nonsense that should be easily remedied.  (shrug) What? It's true.

Oh as an FYI I think most of my friends know that while I'm sitting in front of a computer all day at work I am signed on to Facebook. But once i get home and on the weekends i rarely, barely even look at FB. So i apologize if i miss any one's birthday or posts and such, private messages included. Just throwing that out there.

While I'm on the subject I'd like to remind everyone out there that there is a lot of shit that you miss while you have your face in your phone trying to keep up with everything that's happening in other people's lives. UNPLUG!

And while I'm being so negative.......  Wait for it......  Wait for it.......

 Fuck you MTA!

I'm now paying even more for shit service that seems to get shittier.

Oh yea and to all you "love lock" shit heads, go take that shit back to France or where ever the fuck that shit started. You're damaging the bridge infrastructure assholes. Read the damn reports. Go buy a fucking ring and exchange THAT! Keep your shit off our bridges.

To every single person in New York. This is YOUR city! We all have a responsibility to keep this city clean, and safe and GREAT! Use the fucking thousands of garbage cans available on the street. Be proactive and reactive when people are doing shit they shouldn't be doing, especially people you know. The only way to stop all the robberies and assaults and shootings and all the petty fucking wanna be gangster little shits of this city is for the city to both strike back and to be the voice that talks them out of it in the first place.
Teens robbing senior citizens and young girls! What the fuck? No one in that group has the moral fiber to say nah man, that's not right??? You fucking cowards.

That reminds also, NYC has all these citibike locations why don't they put up a couple of porta pottys as well?? Do you know how difficult it is to find a toilet or a place that will let you use theirs?

For the past week or two my FB feed has been flooded with speculation articles about the NFL draft. Let me try to word this as best I can. Please stop. I don't give a flying fuck. I will still support my team and hate every other no matter who they draft.
Let us continue.
Please stop... all the "what you may have missed" articles
                                 "Easter eggs in this episode" articles
                                 "3 page breakdown and analysis on the new fcking 15 SECOND trailer" articles
                                 "batman vs superman" articles.
The list goes on but ill stop there. Please stop. I'm really fcking tired of endlessly scrolling through that all shit.

And what is going on in this country? At every turn you hear about a murder or a robbery, a cop being shot, a cop shooting an innocent, an American man dying in police custody and it goes on and on. such hate and violence and prejudice and intolerance. Even politicians showing their racial bias and less than honorable opinions and feelings. This country is a fucking mess right now. And through it all our United States government remains still and silent and unresponsive.
Now im not some Obama basher by any means, i think mother fuckers only see what they want to see when it comes to him but i'm talking about the government as a whole.
The UNITED fucking STATES government.
I guess we have forgotten that the federal government is the big daddy of them all and is supposed to keep the kids in check. When the Confederate seven gave big daddy the finger, big daddy stepped up and slapped the shit out of them. Why has big daddy forgotten his role? in so many cases its undeniably evident that the state has lost control of its ass and is shitting all over the place. Why does big daddy not step in and fcking regulate?!
 “We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin
If this is the necessary course of getting shit back on track, we are overdue.

I want to get this up today so ill stop there. And i'll send a shout to my buddy Andrew Besser who loves when I go into my rants.

You've been bitten.

Monday, November 10, 2014



So yea, this happened and here is what i think people should learn from this. Obviously this is completely from my POV.

So anyone that knows me would know that I do NOT condone hitting a woman. That said it needs to be added that I absolutely don't condone hitting a woman out of anger or jealousy or anything that has to do with a woman that you know or are involved with having an argument, lovers quarrel or anything of that nature. If your lady pissed you off so much that you need to hit her, you don't need to be with her anymore.

THAT now said, anyone that knows me also knows that I'm big on protecting yourself, defending yourself and even more importantly, respecting yourself and others.

SO here it is.... this young lady, first made the mistake of not respecting others. You don't like some one's clothes so you're going to belittle them in public?
THEN you go, along with the rest of them that got up and tried to assault the dude that was recording the whole thing. Being that you knocked the phone to the ground now you broke another rule by putting your hands on someone. (No respect for others space and personal property)
THEN you go and cant take ONE insult from this dude that you've been insulting ten times over and you decide to take it further and put your hands on HIM as well. (No self-respect because you cant take what you so easily dish out)

Let me backtrack for one second, dude with the phone was already justified in slapping you if he had. Don't come at me (I will defend myself) Don't touch me (I will touch you back)

And then came the slap that you fully deserved. You already put your hands on two people. You're lucky you only got hit once and it was a slap not a punch.

My man that stood up and threw fists for her, that was very gallant of you bro but she had that slap coming so your chivalry was a little misguided.

I realize we don't know what happened prior to the video. Maybe 8-ball was trying to talk to her or something and she didn't want to be talked to. That's fine, but have enough respect for yourself and him to just tell him no thanks and keep moving. 
Have enough respect for yourself not to make a scene, to handle the situation like a lady and not like you're at some junior high school playground.
If he is respecting your personal space, you should be doing the same.

When a man swings at another man, he hits him like a man and is fully prepared to get hit like a man. Even as a woman, you should expect the same.

Respect people. Have some for yourselves. Show some to others.
Respect that people are different.
Respect other people's space and others privacy and others choice of clothes.
Respect others intelligence.
And absolutely do not touch me, because you might find yourself wearing that right cross even if you don't respect it.

You've been bitten, respectfully...

There's an update for the video.
According to the NYPD, Jorge Pena, 25, was charged with misdemeanor assault and disorderly conduct. Kevin Gil, 21, was also charged with misdemeanor assault and disorderly conduct. Danay Howard, a 21-year-old female, was charged with felony assault and disorderly conduct, and Shanique Campbell, 20, was charged with misdemeanor assault and disorderly conduct.